#TriviaTuesday Teaser & Reveal for 3/20 & 3/13 Shows

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Last week I wrote on Show Day, a.k.a. Tuesday, about a new segment I was introducing on the show: Trivia Tuesday.

I probably need to share these posts a little sooner than on Show Day to give more of a tease here. I did post a couple teases on YouTube and social media over the weekend, but not everyone jaunts with us there too.

Also, in last week’s post I teased that if you wanted to know the answer, you had to listen to us.

Well, fat lot of good reading this sometime after the show airs is going to do anyone if you want to tune in live for the answer. You can always listen to, or download, our shows via ParaMania Radio’s On Demand section, though.

Still, perhaps posting these teasers a bit earlier might be better, right?

Okay, so I’ll work on that.

However, something else I thought of was that I can post the Trivia Tidbit from the prior week with the current week’s teaser.

So that’s what I’m going to do.

Last Week’s Trivia Tuesday Teaser & Reveal

Above is the image I posted last week.

Here’s the real image along with the fact, which I found on Al.com’s Alabama Trivia: 50 fascinating facts to impress your friends:

Visitors to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville often honor a “monkeynaut” by leaving bananas on her memorial. Miss Baker was a squirrel monkey, one of a pair of monkeys that were the first animals to be launched into space and to be recovered alive. Miss Baker was born in 1957 and made her 16-minute space flight in 1959. She and Able, a rhesus monkey, returned to earth healthy and were treated as celebrities. Except Able died four days later from complications following a surgery to remove electrodes embedded for the flight. Miss Baker, however, lived out her life in Huntsville, dying of kidney failure on Nov. 29, 1984.

This Week’s Trivia Tuesday Teaser

I’ll post the answer to this in next week’s post! (Unless you caught the show or the On Demand. Then you’ll already know.)


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