#TriviaTuesday: What Do Aliens, April’s Fools Day and Snow White Have in Common?

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Okay, so I failed to:

  1. Share a Trivia Tuesday Teaser before this past week’s show. (The one on March 27th where Craig Owens was our guest. If you missed it, you can listen to it or download it right from ParaMania’s site.)
  2. Write a post with the teaser for what tidbit I’d be sharing this week, and
  3. Reveal what trivia I shared on last week’s show.



Here. Let me rectify the situation.

The Trivia Tidbit Shared on March 20, 2018’s Show

In the #TriviaTuesday post I wrote on 3/20, I posted a vid of Skellie looking at an alien invasion.

Here, I’ll repost it:

What was that all about? Here’s the reveal…

It was inspired by the Weird Holidays & Observances section, because March 20 has a lot of days associated with it: 

  • International Astrology Day
  • Snowman Burning Day
  • World Storytelling Day
  • AND the day that inspired the teaser – Alien Abduction Day (aka Extraterrestrial Abduction Day)

But did you know there’s more than one day celebrating aliens? I also shared that:

  • The second Tuesday in March, which was the 12th this year, is both Extraterrestrial Culture Day and Extraterrestrial Visitor Day
  • April 26 is Alien Day
  • And in July, this year the 6th through 8th, New Mexico hosts visitors from all over the world (and maybe beyond) for the Roswell UFO Days

The Teaser-less Trivia Shared on March 27’s Show

I did not have my act together this week so there was no tease. (Oh, who am I kidding? It’s rare I have my act together any week.)

I did share some trivia though. Not at the start of the show, as I’d planned. Craig was a super go-getter type guest who didn’t need any encouragement talking. I was so enraptured listening I didn’t know how to elegantly work it in.

But when I saw a couple protests in the chat room during break about why no shout out, Fake News or Not game, or trivia, I quick snuck in the game and the trivia. (I’ll make shout outs up to everyone this week.)

EXPLORE MORE:  Somewhere Quiet Releases an Effective Teaser Trailer

This week’s trivia was no joke.

It had to do with April Fool’s Day and a tidbit I found on ChicagoNow.com:

In Scotland, [April Fool’s Day] lasts two days.  April 1 is Hunt-the-Gowk Day (“gowk” means “cuckoo”), and April 2 is Taily Day. Tricks are played both days, with the latter focusing on pranks aimed at people’s bums, or bottoms. This is said to be where the “Kick Me” sign originated.

Teaser for April 3 Show

My guests this week are Jay Hartlove and Will Hausman. They are the writer and director, respectively, of “The Mirror’s Revenge,” a musical set to open at WorldCon in San Jose, CA in mid-August and then run for a few weeks in Walnut Creek, CA.

“The Mirror’s Revenge” is a sequel to the Grimm Brothers’ folktale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.”

It’s a pretty safe bet I’ll share some kind of Snow White-related trivia. But what?

Tune-in live to ParaMania Radio a 8 pm Eastern to find out!





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