“UFOs Declassified: LIVE” Josh Gates to Host 3-Hour Multiplatform Event

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UFOs Declassified Live keyart

American intelligence officials have long remained silent on the subject of unexplained flying objects (UFOs), or as they now term them, unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). But this all changed last December when Congress required the Director of National Intelligence to summarize and report on the government’s knowledge of UAPs/UFOs. The release of the unclassified version this month will look at incidents over the last two decades. What will the highly-anticipated government report reveal about UFOs/UAPs?

Today, Discovery, Science Channel, and Travel Channel announced they will broadcast UFOs Declassified: LIVE, a three-hour multiplatform event, beginning at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT on Wednesday, June 30.

Senators, former president Barack Obama, and former CIA directors all have expressed openness to the possibility of life beyond Earth. In recent years, US Navy pilots have also spotted unexplained aircraft and objects while out at sea.

What exactly is happening in the sky? Will this once classified information shed light on these mysteries and others? The truth is out there. Or is it?

Let’s take a look at what UFOs Declassified: LIVE will be about, including who’s hosting and the experts participating.

About UFOs Declassified: LIVE

Josh Gates of Discovery’s Expedition Unknown will host. He’ll question top experts, including:

  • NASA Administrator Bill Nelson
  • Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
  • Former Counselor to President Obama John Podesta
  • Retired senior intelligence officer Bob Wallace.

Other experts will include:

  • Astrophysicist Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi
  • Physicist and astronomer Robert Weryk
  • Former UK Ministry of Defense employee Nick Pope
  • Intelligence historian Keith Melton.

Viewers will also hear from those who’ve dedicated their careers to finding answers, such as:

  • The X-Files creator Chris Carter
  • Filmmaker and television director Barry Sonnenfeld (Men in Black)
  • Founding member of Blink-182 Tom DeLonge
  • Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell
  • Investigative reporter George Knapp.

“It’s a question that has been asked for centuries – are we alone in the universe?” said Scott Lewers, Executive Vice President of Multiplatform Programming, Factual & Head of Content, Science. “And with the delivery of this highly anticipated report to the US Congress, we are closer than ever to the answer. Discovery, Science and Travel Channel are proud to bring together top military and government experts, along with UFO believers and skeptics, to analyze the revelations this report holds, and to bring their unique insight to what we know and don’t know.”

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More UFO Week Programming

Science Channel is also running a week-long marathon of UFO programming leading up to the live broadcast event. The UFO week of programming will include The Unexplained Files, Alien Encounters, UFO Conspiracies, NASA’s Unexplained Files among others.

UFOs Declassified: LIVE Trailer

For More Info

Viewers can join the conversation on social media by using #UFOsDeclassifiedLIVE and following Discovery on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter for the latest updates.


Do you anticipate any groundbreaking revelations when the government releases the unclassified version of their knowledge of UAPs/UFOs? Or do you think there will just be a lot of hype leading up to it followed by the same old denials that we haven’t been visited by extraterrestrials?


  1. I don’t think there will be a lot of denials. I think there will be people in the public who say, “I knew it, I KNEW it!” while government officials decline interviews, remaining tight-lipped.

  2. Author

    I hope this is a premonition of what will happen. That’d be pretty cool really.

  3. Can’t wait to see this. I’m tired of the government’s denial for so many years.

  4. Author

    You’re probably going to like Roswell: The Final Verdict then too!

  5. Josh looked great last night. Unfortunately, he seems to have changed occupations from explorer to talk show host. Josh Gates Tonight quickly got old with celebrity fawning.

    Three hours spent on a paltry, uninformative nine-page government report was absurd. He could have read the entire report in 30 minutes.

    Please, Josh, go back to archeology.

  6. Author

    ROFL! I’ve never seen Josh Gate Tonight yet but I chuckled when a non-paranormal watching neighbor knew who Josh Gates was because of that show and said how much he enjoys Josh. He is a very entertaining guy. Super charismatic. He’s definitely got talk show host chops BUT when you’re used to seeing him out in the field exploring… I have to admit I didn’t think I’d like JGT for that reason. Your comment sort of validates that. Thanks for weighing in! Here’s hoping he can get back our exploring more again soon!

  7. “Do you anticipate any groundbreaking revelations when the government releases the unclassified version of their knowledge of UAPs/UFOs? Or do you think there will just be a lot of hype leading up to it followed by the same old denials that we haven’t been visited by extraterrestrials?” well, more like something inbetween. looks like they are just dipping their toes in the water to see either how the public will respond… or what little they can get away with and call it a “declassification” while keeping the other 99.99% of the stuff a secret still. well, what do you expect from a world-ruling government that is increasingly controlled by a bunch of extra-terrestrial reptilians? !! 😉

  8. Author

    LOL Jason. It’s like the time we lived in Phx when the Phx lights happened. I was SO excited the governor was holding “an important” press conference about it. I was sure they’d reveal something big. Instead they made a huge mockery of it. I was livid. At least this report wasn’t like that. Oh and you nabbed 3 bankable bonus points for making me chuckle.

  9. haha! thank you for the points!. so where do I go to learn how to spend them? <3 😛 oh and btw, I just put my old site back up again… it has some of my art and music (in their folders) and some other interesting stuff. the art is mostly fantasy stuff but I have a few pieces that could pass for extra-terrestrial (ie, my piece called "sentience" art. !!

  10. forgot to put my URL. here— sentience. a type of “saurian” alien. http://reprehensible.net/~azureth/soon_to_be_filled_and_categorized/my_old_art/sentience.jpg

    so you know, i’ve been into UFO’s and ESP studies (thats how it started in my freshman year of highschool) from edgar cayce books and ESP case-study books, project stargate (tracks in the psychic wilderness by dr. scott rogo? if I remember correctly?) and that expanded into self-taught astral projection and a host of other abilities and stuff, mostly sensitivity(s) though I have been into this subject for at least 25 years now, as well as hard astrophysics at the same time, and other sciences, so I have a pretty unique point of view on stuff like exo-planetary life. the scientists are all debating it when it’s obvious and the “fringe people” already know what’s going on but the science people hold all of the cards! it is about as SAD as that adam lambert song called “mad world” and im not just being sarcastic!! in fact I think i’ll go play it now. o/~ and the dreams in which im dying are the best i’ve ever had o/~

  11. Author

    Hey Jason! Apologies for the delayed reply. I have been on the water with no Internet connection for the last 9 days. Thanks for the link to y9our site. I’ll go check it out. Also, here’s the link to the post that explains the bonus points. https://www.hauntjaunts.net/a-new-way-to-earn-bonus-points-for-haunt-jaunts-contests/

    I don’t have any contests happening at the moment, but I do anticipate having one soon since Spooky Season is almost here!

  12. Author

    And thanks for the link! I would’ve asked about that because I didn’t see a link before. lol THANKS for sharing how you got started and a bit about yourself too!

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