Some commercials do their jobs better than others, don’t they? Like, with some of them you have no idea what they’re advertising, but with others, there’s no doubt. Visit Mississippi’s “Haunted Mississippi” commercial is one of those that you know immediately what it’s advertising: the state’s paranormal tourism!
And it’s brilliant, especially for all that it conveys in a mere 30 seconds.
Haunted Mississippi Commercial Chant
It starts out with a creepy, whispering chant. That’s an immediate ear-catcher for those of us who like spooky things. If you were preoccupied with others things when the commercial came on, I’m willing to bet it would grab your attention.
Well, it grabbed mine at any rate. Even before I looked, I knew it was for something spooky. But what? It took mere seconds to figure it out.
But what was the chant it saying? It’s clearer than most EVPs on paranormal TV shows, but I couldn’t interpret it. It almost sounds French to me. Qu’est-ce que c’est? Qu’est-ce que c’est? Which would be fitting because that translates to “What is it?” or “What’s that?” But I’m not sure that’s what it’s saying.
Haunted Mississippi Commercial Haunted Hotspots
Anyway, in addition to that creepy chant, the commercial wastes no time identifying Mississippi’s most haunted places, beginning with the McRaven Home Tour in Vicksburg. It then proceeds to show Stuckey’s Bridge in Union, the Natchez City Cemetery, and the Towers of Natchez.
Haunted Mississippi Commercial
In addition to marrying haunting music and images, which include a woman in white, candles, and even a creepy doll, the commercial employs the use of a deep-voiced narrator whose cadence and pauses add the perfect “ghost host” touch.
His narration is very short: “Get out of the house and wander Mississippi’s haunted mansions, paranormal places, and creepy cemeteries. You’ll want to return again and again…in this life, and maybe the next. Mississippi. Wander here if you dare.”
It’d actually make the perfect tweet. (I checked to make sure. There was even room to spare!)
Anyway, if you haven’t seen the commercial yet, here it is. Check it out and let me know your thoughts. Including if you can make out what the chant is saying!
Visit Mississippi – Haunted Mississippi from Maris, West & Baker on Vimeo.
For More Info
Visit https://visitmississippi.org.
Can you make out what the chant says?
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.
It’s a clever tourism ad. I can’t make out the chant, but maybe that’s on purpose so they don’t run into any copyright problems. Haha, or conjure up anything!
Okay, now I want to move there! Ha!
Try it with subtitles/CC feature!
Ah, of course Willow, thanks! “Crooked letter, crooked letter I.” Smart on the part of the ad campaign if you can make out the chant. (I’m sure people younger than I am can make it out.)
Ooooh! That’s so clever, Priscilla! “Conjure” Wouldn’t that be a great horror story? The haunted commercial that conjured up something from beyond… You got my muse’s juices flowing! WHOOP!
LOL! You’d sure have loads of haunted history to explore…and maybe even some swamp fairies there!
SO clever! And yet…even though I pretty much watch TV with subtitles on so I don’t miss a thing, I didn’t even think to try it on this video. Glad you spoke up!
My sentiments exactly, Priscilla! And thanks for sharing the translation.