Wait. There’s really such a thing as Haunted Beauty Barbie Dolls?

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Three of the four Haunted Beauty Barbie dolls
Three of the four Haunted Beauty Barbie dolls. From left to right: Mistress of the Manor, Ghost, and Vampire Doll. | Screenshots of dolls from Amazon.

Did you know there’s such a thing as Haunted Beauty Barbie dolls? I discovered them thanks to curiosity sparked by something I saw on social media about the Barbie movie. Someone said that once upon a time, Mattel released a Goth Barbie doll.

Growing up, I was cuckoo crazy for Barbies. My addiction was bad. It was to the point I was still playing with them when I was 12 years old —until my family shamed me into giving them up. (Well, they shamed me into not playing with them anymore. I still have them.)

But that’s been a long, long (looong) time ago. I haven’t kept up on everything (or even anything) Barbie, so if a Goth version came out, I missed it. However, even though I haven’t bought or played with Barbies in years, I would seriously consider adding a Goth one to my collection or the Skareporium.

So I put on my research cap and set out to see if such a doll existed. I didn’t find a Barbie specifically named “Goth Barbie.” The closest would be the goth-inspired Monster High dolls, which, like Barbie, Mattel also makes. But I found the Haunted Beauty Barbie collection and some other Barbies with goth flair. Let’s check them out.

Haunted Beauty Barbies on Amazon

You’d think Google would be my first stop to determine if a Goth Barbie existed. However, since I was already considering buying one (if I found it), I went straight to a place that might carry one.

No exact match for “Goth Barbie” came up on Amazon, but two Haunted Beauty Barbies did: Barbie Collector # BDH39 Haunted Beauty Mistress of the Manor and Barbie Direct Exclusive Gold Label Haunted Beauty Vampire Doll.

The Vampire Doll actually caught my eye first with her long raven locks and blood-red gown. She definitely radiated Goth vibes. I was shocked to see that wasn’t her name —and that she even had painted on fangs!

But any notion I had about buying her quickly flew out the window when I saw her price tag: $1,700!

She’d look cool on my shelf, but nope. That’s out of my price range.

Then I noticed two things about the Mistress of the Manor doll. In addition to also having a steep price tag ($799), she also had “Haunted Beauty” in her name. Hmm, was that a Barbie collection of some sort?

So I typed that in next and found the Haunted Beauty Ghost Barbie (whose $699 price tag was still too scary for my blood). She’s also what led me to a listing for a Haunted Beauty Zombie Bride Gold Label doll with buying options ranging from as “little” as $1,497 to as much as $1,595.

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Mistress of the Manor Barbie

She comes with some props fitting a Mistress of a Manor, including a key ring (filled with skeleton keys of course), a brooch, and a candelabra.

Vampire Barbie

Her accessories include a ruby necklace and ring.

Ghost Barbie

Chains included.

Zombie Bride Barbie

She may be the most lovely zombie I’ve ever seen.

Halloween Barbie Dolls

Boo-tiful Barbie

Halloween Hip

Halloween Star Barbie

Exclusive Halloween Haunt Barbie

Dia De Muertos Barbies





Other Barbies with Gothic Flair

Barbie Queen of the Dark Forest doll

Empress of the Aliens Barbie Doll

Mythical Muse Fantasy Dragon Empress

Bob Mackie Limited Edition Countess Dracula Barbie Doll

Wizard Of Oz Wicked Witch

Questions About Haunted Beauty Barbies

Well, these questions don’t just apply to the Haunted Beauty Barbies. Now that I’ve seen all these other non-traditional ones, I have a few questions.

First off, will we see any of them in the Barbie movie? I haven’t spotted any in the trailer, but it would be fun if they found a way to work them in.

Will any of these Barbies perhaps get a movie of their own someday?

Is there a Haunted Beauty Ken? Or would he be a Haunted Handsome Ken? (I looked, but I didn’t see any. There was a Dia De Muertos Ken, though.)


Did you play with Barbies as a child too? Which of these would you have loved to play with?


  1. I think Barbie Queen of the Dark Forest is pretty cool. Look at that detail! Barbies were frowned upon by my charter-member NOW mother, but I did receive a couple at birthday parties and played with them. I had a cool Tonka truck they rode around in! Mostly I liked to make clothes for them.

  2. Author

    Vera, did your mom ever get to meet Betty Friedan or Shirley Chisholm or any of those ladies? How cool! AND I love that they got to ride in a Tonka trunk! Your Barbies were lucky! lol It’s also cool to discover you know how to sew and made clothes for your Barbies. I tried but my efforts were…well, efforts. lol

    Once again, I love, love, love your comments and learning more super fascinating tidbits about what shaped you to make you the awesome woman you are today!

  3. Author

    Oh, also, I was smitten with the Queen of the Dark Forest too. That dress!!!!

  4. I remember when those came out. I found out a little too late to snag the ghost or the vampire one, and yeah, now they’re way too expensive due to collectors. They even had some gorgeously made Fairy versions. I had two of them and had to sell them when I needed money badly. Also Goddess versions that were beautiful. For awhile, they were on a roll with these beautifully made deluxe collector Barbies. I hung onto a few.

  5. Author

    Oooo! Maria!!!! I love that you are a Barbie person!!!! AND that you had some of the Fairy ones! I saw one of those, and a couple of the Goddess collection too. Amazing! Artwork in their own way really. LOVE that you shared this. SO fun getting to know this about you!!!!

  6. Due to all the desert dust around here, those poor girls live in a pair of dresser drawers. I feel bad for them.

  7. Author

    Aww! But I bet they appreciate your efforts to try and preserve them and keep them pristine!

  8. Obviously, I’m not into Barbie Dolls, but that Empress of the Aliens doll looks pretty cool to me.

  9. Author

    LOL, Troy! The “I’m not into Barbie Dolls” cracked me up, but I loved that you played along and picked one anyway! (Good choice btw, too!)

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