Wear Your Glove: Robert Englund’s Stay Safe PSA

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Nightmare on Elm Street's Robert Englund hosts Travel Channel's True Terror
Robert Englund, the host of True Terror on the Travel Channel.
One, two Freddy’s got a message for you…

Robert Englund might always be best known for his role as the infamous Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street, but he’s also the star of Travel Channel’s True Terror. He combined both projects to put out a super fun stay safe PSA. Here’s the one from Facebook:

I love when he says “Cut!” at the end and uses his finger knives to emphasize the point. (Not to mention I love when he breaks out into Krueger all of a sudden.)

I’m also jealous of the glove. Completely impractical for picking things out at the store and what not. (Can you even imagine trying to pick up a head of lettuce? You might as well make a freaking salad right there!)

However, while they may lack in dexterity, they’d be super effective for social distancing. Who’s going to get near you when you’re sporting finger knives?

Or maybe you don’t have an issue with people getting near you. The last time I was in the store, I did. I wanted to shout, “Respect my bubble! Respect my bubble! Keep in your six feet space!” (Well, I really wanted to shout, “Back the F**k Up!” but I was pretty sure that’d get me kicked out of the store and I really needed groceries.)

Or maybe they really weren’t crowding me, but it seemed like it because my nerves were so frazzled to see all the changes in the couple of weeks since last time I went to the store. So many social distancing messages! (Do your stores have the “Do your part, keep apart” messages plastered everywhere too? Fliers plus announcements. Oy! I know we need it. They’re trying to teach old dogs new tricks, but it’s stressing this old dog out!)

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Anyway, I appreciated this humor. What about you?

Other Socials

If you prefer Twitter or Insta, you can also see his message in those places:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/travelchannel/status/1245834432294125569

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fqcLBpw7G/

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