What the heck is an EBANI? (And does that explain the “UFO” I filmed?)

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Screenshot of UFO cell phone video that may show EBANIs
Here’s a screenshot of the YouTube video that shows whatever it was n the sky before it separated. Could they be EBANIs?

“What is that?” I asked when something out-of-the-ordinary in the sky caught my attention. If I’d known what an EBANI was at that time, I might’ve added that to the list of things I considered. But I didn’t so at first I thought it was a flock of birds acting strangely.

I’ll get to what I’ve since learned an EBANI is, and how I came to know about it after I do something I rarely do: share a personal experience.

The UFO Sighting

It was a sunny, slightly breezy October Saturday afternoon in Middle Tennessee. We were waiting in the parking lot of Famous Dave’s in Hermitage to pick up lunch. My mind —or rather my belly— was focused on that.

But as I watched what I at first thought was birds, my heart started racing. I’m not going to lie. I got excited thinking it might be a UFO. I’ve always wanted to see one. But my rational mind reasoned there must be an explanation.

Maybe it was like the fish in the stream of a park I like to walk in. When they turn just right, the sun glints off their scales. Maybe the same effect was happening with the birds’ wings?

Or maybe it was a bunch of balloons. Maybe one side was shinier or more reflective and when the breeze turned them it caught the sun?

Or like my husband suggested, maybe it was a bunch of trash somehow swept up high into a current?

Except, as I continued watching, they didn’t move like any kind of flock of birds I’d ever seen before. Since they were all about the same shape and size, balloons seemed the next most logical explanation. Perhaps they had broken free from a celebration of some sort? In a way, they floated like balloons might on a gentle current.

At least they did until one segment distinctly broke away from the rest of the cluster and moved back in the opposite direction. Not drifted. It was a purposeful maneuver.

“What the hell?” I asked.

By that time even my cynical husband was wondering what we were witnessing.

“I don’t know?” he said. “I’d say UFO but it doesn’t look like a ship.”

But did UFOs have to always be ships? Whatever we were witnessing were unidentified flying objects because we couldn’t identify them.

I posted a small snippet on social media and uploaded the majority of the full videos on YouTube.

I’ll share the video next. Then I’ll talk about a couple of similar videos a friend shared with me, including an article that talked about EBANIs.

The Potential EBANI Video

Definition of EBANI

If, like me, you aren’t a ufologist, you might be asking, “What the heck is an EBANI?”

That was definitely my reaction when a friend who had seen my video on Instagram shared an article from OpenMinds.tv about an EBANI filmed in Milan. Or, rather, a possible one that was filmed.

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“Could this be what you saw?” she asked.

First I had to figure out what an EBANI was before I could answer. It’s short for “Entidad Biological Anomalous No Identificada,” which translates to English as “Unidentified Anomalous Biological Entity.”

Anyway, they are a sort of UFO, but rather than being a ship, EBANIs are believed to be biological entities.

Comparing the EBANI Images

A man named Antonio Urzi caught the video of the possible EBANI, which drew immediate caution from many. As OpenMinds.tv explained, “Many of his images appear too good to be true, which causes some to question their veracity.”

Urzi’s video on the OpenMinds.tv article is no longer available, but there is a screenshot of a UFO photo taken over the World Trade Center in Mexico City in March 2010 that he spotted. They look brighter and more “explosive” than what I saw, but similar.

However, the article’s author, Alejandro Rojas, shared a video of something similar he caught on video in Mexico on March 21, 2010. It also looks very similar to my video, except there’s only one or two of them in his rather than the cluster in mine.

Rojas felt his were probably ballons because they sell them on nearly every street corner in Mexico City. But then right after that proclamation, he included this:

“They [the researchers at a UFO conference he attended] explained these were UFOs that were often long and moved strangely. They believed they were actual biological entities. The EBANI researchers admitted some of them look like balloons, but they argued that the UFOs moved in such strange ways that they could not be merely balloons.”

I have never seen balloons move like what I saw while standing in that Famous Dave’s parking lot. But it’s good to know others have spotted something similar and that they are UFOs in a way, but also have a more specific name: EBANI.


Have you ever seen an EBANI?

Or is this the first you’re learning about them too?


  1. I have only seen an EBANI on video, not in real life. I wonder if there are luminescent microorganisms that clump and behave oddly in the sky’s eddies? I mean, we see them in water, so why not in air?

  2. Author

    Hey, you bring up an interesting thought, Priscilla. What if it’s something like the Bio Bay in Puerto Rico? Except that’s more of a glowing effect. Anyway, you gave me something new to research. THANKS!

  3. Very cool! I need to learn more about EBANI. I’m especially curious to learn what makes people think they are biological entities rather than mechanical vehicles or mechanical entities. Thanks for posting!

  4. Author

    Hey William! I’d love to hear if you find anything out. I didn’t even think to question why is it believed to be biological rather than mechanical. If you do discover anything and think about it, I’d love to hear what you found. Either via a comment on any post or at court@hauntjaunts.net.

  5. What if it could be biological entities swimming in the firmament above the way they moved def not a ballon, I don’t think they would go in and out of sight like that very interesting what brought me to this video I was looking at the Awakenings Map and I saw the word Ebani and didn’t know what it was

  6. Author

    Hi Andrew! It definitely could be biological entities. It’s my understanding that’s what they think EBANIs are. (Or what I interpreted their definition as, but who knows if I have that right or not.) But I’m glad you took the time to share that you don’t think whatever it is was balloons either. AND that you let me know how you found this post at all. Thank you for taking the time to read, watch and comment!

  7. Hello, I don’t think they’re ebani. They’re something cloaked (at least I’m pretty sure). It sounds crazy as I’m reading this back to myself. I had to watch your video a few times because it looks so much like mine. I’ve been looking over a year now and yours is the first I’ve found like mine. I’ve been hesitant to post mine because it doesn’t show what we saw at the time (not exactly) and people would probably just say “what? They look like birds”. They weren’t birds. Contact me

  8. Author

    Ahhhh!!!!! Louis!!! I’m SO glad you left this message. Post yours! I’d love to see them and maybe others would be able to help identify what you saw. I’d love to know if what I saw was cloaked or a weird cluster of shiny birds or…. But I know what you mean about being hesitant to share because people aren’t inclined to believe. I tried to capture the best video I could, but it was just on my phone so… Who knows what I really might’ve seen if I’d had a better way to view it. But if it at all looks like what you caught, then I’m very excited to know someone else who saw something similar! Where in the world are you btw? Where and when did you see what you saw?


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