What Would You Ask Peggy the Doll?

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Peggy the Doll
Peggy the Doll. Source: Peggy the Doll Facebook page.

Peggy the Doll has her own room at Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum. One of the 13 things to expect when visiting the museum is spending time alone with her to ask her questions.

Well, you won’t be all alone. The other members of your tour group will be with you. At least the ones who opted to venture into Peggy’s room also, that is.

When you get in there, you’ll find that a spirit box is continuously running. No one in the group I was with asked Peggy much. Not even me. I froze up. Not from fear. Stage fright? Not that either. It was more like writer’s block. But instead of being at a loss about what to put on the page, I was at a loss what to say.

Anyway, I just stood there staring at her and all of the other dolls that surrounded her in her room.

However, even though no one asked anything, the spirit box still spit out words. Including “dybbuk box” three times.

Which actually freaked me out.

I had never paid any mind to the dybbuk box before December 2019. But I was on high alert because of the delusional ramblings I’d read on a Twitter account involving both the museum and that damn box. (Luckily nothing came of those disturbing Tweets.)

I’m also glad I really didn’t know Peggy’s story. If I had, would it have influenced any reaction to her?

Does Peggy Make You Sick?

Peggy seemed to pop up in 2015 with sites from Redbook to the Daily Mail covering her story. It all started after Jayne Harris claimed she’d inherited the doll from people who blamed Peggy for causing them to have bad dreams.

According to Redbook, Harris, a paranormal investigator specializing in haunted dolls, “deduced that Peggy is possessed by the spirit of a woman born in 1946 in London, who died of a chest-condition—possibly asthma.”

Then Harris noticed something interesting. Other people who had seen Peggy on her social media reported feeling dizzy, short of breath, nauseous and just in general unwell after just looking at Peggy. Some also reported having bad dreams later too.

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Suspicious of such claims, Week in Weird conducted an experiment where they displayed Peggy’s picture and asked people to comment if they experienced anything. If anyone commented, I don’t know. The comments aren’t readily visible.

She didn’t make me or my husband sick, though, and we were stadning mere feet from her. So I guess yay us! We survived our encounter with Peggy.

Yet, she’s still haunting me, because I wasn’t prepared in advance with questions.

What Do You Ask a Haunted Doll?

Ever since my visit with Peggy, I keep asking investigators that I meet, “What would you ask Peggy the haunted doll?”

I’ve gotten responses varying from “Are you happy here?” to “What’s Zak really like?”

I still don’t know what I’d ask her if I ever get the chance again. (Once the museum reopens, that is.) But I’ll keep thinking on it.

What about you? Have you ever considered what you’d ask a haunted doll, in particular Peggy?

Or maybe you have “conversed” with a haunted doll before?

Check-in and tell me about it!

Find Peggy the Doll on Facebook


Read the Book

Peggy the Doll: a very different haunting

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  1. I would ask Peggy, “Do you remember me?” And I don’t know why I’d ask that. It’s the first thing that popped in my head when I saw her image.

  2. Author

    OMG I LOLd when I read this. How to out creepy a creepy doll!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


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