What’s Ahead for Haunt Jaunts in 2010?

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I didn’t visit a psychic, nor am I one (just a sensitive), so this isn’t a prediction of what I expect to come Haunt Jaunts way in 2010. Rather, it’s a sneak peak of some of the stories I plan to write about in the year ahead, as well as a road map of the direction I’d like to see Haunt Jaunts go.

    1. I sure do look forward to making more Haunt Jaunts now that I’m well, which will give me more fodder for the blog.
    2. I plan to get back to basics with more travel-specific articles. (I spent the end of 2009 focusing way too much on paranormal entertainment TV shows. I still plan to talk about them some, but I’d rather focus on the areas where they’re Haunt Jaunting to more.)
    3. I kind of like theme days and hope I can institute more going forward.

    It’s kind of a humble list, but I didn’t want to get too carried away. I wanted to give myself a challenge but not something too imposing. I’d actually like to make the goals something I can reasonably hope to accomplish!

    However, I also have some lofty ambitions. Perhaps the loftiest is I’m shooting for 5,000 Twitter followers come 12/31/09.

    It’ll be fun 11 months from now to revisit this list and see how I did.

    What about you? Got any goals/resolutions for 2010?


    1. You inspired me with the haunt jaunts, so I thought I might write up instructions for one-day trips for people who like the macabre and haunted, a detailed road trip with where to stop and what to do for a variety of crazy encounters in a 24-hour time period. Since I’m in AZ, I was going to write up a few of the ones I know of here that I’ve done. I’ve done a few on my blog before, but I’ve since learned of some more cool ones! So, you actually gave me a goal for my next year in the blog world (oh, and continuing to find out about geomagnetic activity and hauntings). Keep doing what you’re doing. I hope some day you build a travel business and books from this. You’re really becoming an expert on where the spooky stay!

    2. Author

      Oh wow! You always leave me flattering comments, but this one especially made me smile. I will look forward to reading your haunt jaunting day trip articles. What an excellent idea! Actually, it’s you who’s now once again inspired me with this comment. I’ve been wanting to do more theme days. I think you just gave me an idea how I could do a Day Trip Tuesday or some such. THANKS! (I swear, I don’t know what it is, but between you and Loyd Auerbach, you guys fire up my muse something fierce! Truly, almost every time I talk to you guys I get new ideas! You should see how much you’ve expanded my Blog Idea List!)


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