What’s Happening During July’s Friday the 13th?

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Other than watching one of the Friday the 13th movies (usually either the first or second one, because those two are my favorites), I don’t believe I’ve ever been to any Friday the 13th events. I’d like to, though. (As long as no hockey mask-wearing serial killers were going to be there.)

Below is a list of some July Friday the 13th events I came across. Do you have any plans for Friday the 13th? How do you enjoy it? Any traditions you uphold?

  1. Queen City Ghostwalk – The 2012 tour season kicks off on Friday July 13. Fun way, and fun day, for such a kick off, eh? LOCATION: Burlington, VT

  2. Scares that Care “Friday The 13th” $5.00 Online Donation Day– They did this in April and decided to do it again. They haven’t updated their site to reflect their July event, but I received an email about it. The donation process is the same as indicated on their website for their April event: donations accepted via Paypal made to scares_that_care@yahoo.com, or also accepted by credit card, call toll free 1-855-666-2275. Not sure what the prizes are though this time around. (Your donation qualifies as an entry to winning some potentially neat horror memorabilia.) LOCATION: Online

  3. Houdini Seance Poasttown Elementary School – Starts at 6pm EST, cost is a $20 donation at the door. LOCATION: Middletown, OH (Note: I do not have a link to this one. I found it via EverythingParanormal.net’s Events page.)

  4. Ghost Hunt Aboard the USS Salem with the Paranormal Mafia – Join Chris Conlon, Paranormal Expeditions, and Russ Striver aboard this haunted ship for a Friday the 13th investigation. LOCATION: Quincy, MA

  5. Watch screenings of Friday the 13th movies – Love Friday the 13th movies? Find Friday the 13th film franchise themed events and watch with other Jason fans. LOCATION: various.

EXPLORE MORE:  Silver Screen Shivers at the Academy Museum This Halloween



  1. Looks like a fun day! I have to remember to wear my Camp Crystal Lake counselor shirt that day.

  2. Author

    Ooo! Glad you said something. I’ll remember to wear mine now too! THX!

  3. In Italy they fear Friday the 17th and find the number 17 so unlucky that both airlines and hotels have ruled out the number in their bookings (- along with number 13 of course in honour of superstitious foreigners)

  4. Well I have to work, so nothing planned. Friday nights I usually end up chillin at home getting out of “work mode” and resting up for my weekend activities. 🙂 But I will, of course, be wearing my Camp Crystal Lake Counselor T-shirt for the day!

  5. Author

    LOL! Kim, did you watch X Files when it was on? That used to me my absolute fave end of the work week, Fri night activity to chill out from work mode and wind down to start the weekend. Your comment made me think of that for some reason.

  6. Author

    OMG! Mette, this is super fascinating! I never knew that about Friday the 17th or the #17 in Italian culture. Wild! THANK YOU for sharing!

  7. Author

    You guys have so many amazing things happening up in New England. Lucky! And LOL re the travel. You’ll be fine! Maybe you might have some delays or something, but let’s hpoe the rest is smoother, non-jinxed sailing! 😉

  8. I am an X Files fan. Funny you bring that up as someone I am close with went to London Film & Comic Con last weekend in full Agent Mulder cosplay. He was super psyched to meet Scully…er…Gillian Anderson, & get autographs & pics with her, so X Files has been a hot topic of conversation with us the last couple weeks. I’ve even been re-watching some eps on Netflix. 🙂

  9. I plan to hide this Friday the 13th. I’ve already seen a black cat.

  10. Author

    That’s weird!!!! Something told me you would be an X File fan too if I ever knew one. Cracking up that’s been a topic of convo for you lately too. Wild!

  11. I’m not doing anything special today — just trying to avoid any Friday the 13th mishaps. Sadly, I haven’t been too successful. I would like to take a ghostwalk sometime. Friday the 13th movies = too scary.

  12. Author

    Oh no, Cathy! I hope your day wasn’t too eventful! Ghostwalks are tame. Friday the 13th movies, you’re right, are pretty scary. They have actually stayed in my nightmares over the years. (Yet, I still watch them…and other such movies. Not sure why I like to be scared but I do…)


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