Who was the Michigan Hell House witch?

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Steve Shippy and Cindy Kaza hero shot in Hell House where they investigate poltergeist, witch and demon activity.
Steve Shippy and Cindy Kaza investigate the Michigan Hell House in Merrill, Michigan. | Photo: Travel Channel and discovery+

Technically, there are two witches in the Michigan Hell House Shock Docs. Steve Shippy invites Miss Aida, an ordained witch, to assist with the case. She helps Shippy and Cindy Kaza understand actions that the other witch may have initiated that resulted in a menagerie of paranormal activity in the Pomeraning family’s home on Dice Road in Merrill, Michigan, from 1974-1975.

I say “menagerie” because it’s not just a poltergeist, or a witch that may or may not have cursed the family, or a demon that haunted the home. It’s all three. Perhaps Professor Jerry Solfvin, a former senior researcher at the Psychical Research Foundation who investigated the Michigan Hell House in 1975, summed it up best when he said, “My goodness, this case was exploding with phenomena.”

From the sounds of it, it was. Literally. In addition to knocking, disembodied voices and objects moving on their own (in some cases attacking family members), the Pomeranings also reported wall-rattling loud explosions. No wonder the Shock Docs’ description calls it “a living nightmare that rivals horror films like Amityville Horror and Poltergeist.”

But even as unique a Shock Docs installment as it is (since it’s the first one not based on a well-known paranormal event), and as thorough as Shippy and Kaza are investigating other aspects of the case, there’s a gaping hole. Namely, who was the witch? And why wasn’t she interviewed for Michigan Hell House?

The Importance of the Michigan Hell House Witch

In 1974, a new neighbor moved into the house across the street from Harold and Mabel Pomeraning and their boys, Duane and Terry. Soon after, she allegedly approached Harold and offered to buy his house. Things got heated when he told her he wasn’t interested.

Odd? Sure. But from that grew the rumor that because he refused to sell she cast a spell. And that was allegedly the start of the disturbing paranormal activity in the Pomeraning household.

At least one aspect of it, but she also may have been responsible for a demon Shippy and Kaza feel was unleashed on the family.

Why wasn’t the Michigan Hell House Witch interviewed?

In 2016, Steve “Prozak” Shippy independently released A Haunting on Dice Road: The Hell House, another documentary about the same case that’s now become the Michigan Hell House Shock Docs. I’ve never seen it, but apparently, it features many of the same people who are interviewed in Michigan Hell House, including brothers Duane and Terry Pomeraning. (Their parents are no longer alive.)

But, as with the Shock Docs version, a key first-person account is missing: the witch.

Which is weird. As I stated earlier, Shippy was so thorough about interviewing other eyewitnesses. In addition to the brothers, he also spoke with family friends, neighbors, and even law enforcement who investigated the mysterious goings on at the house back then.

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It’s not like Shippy doesn’t know who she is. He knew her identity even when he produced A Haunting on Dice Road.

As Bob Johnson reported in an MLive article published on Oct. 25, 2016, “Prozak said that he has also tracked this woman down but has not interviewed her.”

Why not? It seems like she’s a key component to this case. And, frankly, it’s sloppy and irresponsible to portray her as demon-unleashing wicked witch lusting after other people’s property without getting her side of the story and giving her a chance to defend herself.

He’s had seven years to reach out to her. It was disappointing that he didn’t at least address why he didn’t interview her for Michigan Hell House. Or, if he had and she declined to be interviewed, it would’ve just made this documentary stronger to include such a revelation.

Besides, remember the old man next door neighbor in Home Alone? Kevin thought he was a maniacal murderer…until he sat down and talked with him. Then he discovered he was actually a pretty nice old man with some heavy regrets.

Perhaps the “witch” in Michigan Hell House is just misunderstood too. Steve shouldn’t be afraid of getting to the actual truth. The only way to do that is to talk with her.

The Other Witch in Michigan Hell House

If you’re curious about Miss Aida, the other witch in the Shock Docs, you can find info about all she has to offer here: https://www.missaida.com.


Would you like to know who the “witch” is and hear her side of the story too?


  1. The Libra in me says I need to hear all sides of an issue. I definitely want to hear the witch’s side of the story!

  2. Author

    I have to admit, Priscilla, at first I read your comment, “The Librarian in me…” LOL I was all, “Huh?” Then when I figured out I misread it, I chuckled and said, “AH! Yes! THAT sounds more like the Priscilla I know. Always has her scales ready to set things in balance.” lol


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