One of the biggest differences Ghost Adventures fans will notice in House Calls is that Zak Bagans doesn’t join the rest of the crew on site to investigate. He does join them remotely, however. But why isn’t he physically with them?
Is he okay? Are the cases too terrifying and dangerous for him? Or is there another reason he stays behind?
Let’s first examine what Zak Bagans’ latest spin-off series is about. That might yield some clues.
About Ghost Adventures: House Calls
In House Calls, Zak Bagans leads a team of paranormal investigators consisting of himself, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley and Jay Wasley. They respond to urgent calls for help from desperate homeowners thrust into turmoil from unexplained activity inside their homes.
Except, when it comes time to investigate, Bagans isn’t with them. Rather than accompanying Goodwin, Tolley, and Wasley to the locations after hearing each family’s haunted account, Bagans stays behind to oversee the investigation from his headquarters.
He’s still very much with them in spirit, however, and actively participates from his remote location, where he provides insight and applies experimental tactics from his unique vantage point.
After the team analyzes their evidence, Bagans shares the findings in a one-on-one meeting with each homeowner, offering them much-needed advice and resolution.
Ghost Adventures: House Calls Trailer
All About an Experiment
As E! Online points out, there’s some scary “sheet” happening in the lives of these haunted homeowners —and by extension, the investigations of said homes. Residents describe horrors like “a black shadow with red eyes” and the word “death dripping down the walls.”
Bagans isn’t kidding when he says the team is basically entering a “demonic hornet’s nest” to conduct some of these investigations.
But intrepid investigators that they are, they’re willing to risk mind, body, and even soul to help out. After all, they’ve spent decades investigating ghostly activity to gain a better understanding of the afterlife. Now they have a chance to use that knowledge to help frightened families who believe they’re under paranormal attack.
However, helping isn’t always a clear-cut process. There’s some experimenting involved, and it appears that’s why Bagans doesn’t physically join the others for the on-site investigation. As he says in episode 1, it’s all part of the experiment. He wants to see how it affects his investigators.
Of course, I’m not 100 percent certain that’s the only reason he’s stayed behind. With his multi-project discovery+ deal and Las Vegas Haunted Museum, Bagans is a busy businessman.
He also doesn’t grant many interviews so I haven’t had a chance to verify it with him directly. But if I ever got the chance, I would. (And if it happens, you know I’ll post an update!)
What would you ask Zak Bagans if you ever had the chance?
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.
I would ask Zak if anything ever followed him home. I’m sure he’s been asked that before, but still.
I think it’s a great question! I’d use it and tweak it only slightly to ask if anything ever followed him home that he wanted and kept. lol
He’s just scared
Does this mean he is ending the original ghost adventures series? I really hope not.
Dee, at the beginning of the latest House Calls episode Zak referenced Aaron being “greatly effected” at their Ghost Adventures lock down a couple of days ago. I don’t know for sure when the House Calls episode was filmed, but it seems to imply that they are still doing the original series as well. Honestly I would be very surprised if they stopped doing the original even if Zak stopped investigating altogether unless it was a rights issue. The brand and audience is just too hard to give up and I imagine it doesn’t all transfer over to spinoffs like House Calls.
Hi Dee. Solem is right. The regular Ghost Adventures isn’t going anywhere. Zak signed a deal with discovery+ for I believe another 3 years of it. This is just one of many specials that was also part of the deal he signed. You’ll continue to see LOTS of Zak!
You are so right! Zak signed a 3-year deal with discovery+ for more regular GA episodes and also more specials because his brand makes bank. lol So, yep, you totally hit the nail on the head!
With Zak’s health issues, severe asthma, I would say he’s staying back because of Covid. He’s been careful since and the other investigators are always in mask in the houses.
You bring up a very good point, Amanda! What if it IS health concerns that having him semi-sitting out the investigation part of this show? Could be! Thanks for the comment!
I love Zak n the boys whatever they do and im a 66 yr old grandmother Rock on boys from the UK
Zak developed a mast addiction during the pandemic so he has to stay home in his room in the dark and complete the 90 days reboot.
He is a germaphobe and afraid to leave his home. So he lets everybody else do his work while he’s making all the money!
The new show is awesome, but I miss Zak being physically with the guys! No matter what, you guys are totally the bomb dignity! You guys are truly the best of the best
I believe he was in a very terrifying plane ride and he refuses to fly anymore. I watched a live Instagram chat where he says he refuses to fly because of that experience.
Oh wow. That’s really sad if that’s the case. I guess we’ll find out if he’s conquered his fear and hits the road on future regular GA episodes? Thanks for the comment.
i also heard he’s afraid to fly because if a bad flying experience!!!!!
Its actually because He doesn’t like to fly. Which is also why in the regular show they often arent going too far.
This definitely seems to be the popular consensus. Thanks for weighing in!
I just thought he didn’t join the investigations because he’s high risk (health wise) and due to covid19, he isn’t willing to chance it…that’s just what I was thinking.
A lot of people think this may factor in too. It could be a combo of the not wanting to fly/health issues. Or even those plus wanting to try a new way of investigating. Now I’d really love to know what he’d say. lol
I’m pretty sure something follow him home from Bobby Mackey’s? Also, after he touched the real Annabelle doll? I’m with Zak on flying…not a fan, but I do miss not seeing him with his crew.
I have heard them credit Bobby Mackey’s before with feeling like something attached to them. I think that also might’ve been where Aaron was and had trouble after leaving? But I can’t remember. One thing though, as you pointed out, between all the places he’s been and all he’s collected, if anyone could be haunted or have hitchhikers that followed him home, it’d be Zak!
He was getting really testy and angry towards Aaron and the rest of the crew as the seasons went on. His presence there seemed toxic and everyone was on edge around him.
Perhaps it’s his fear of flying, but his rage and attitude were really starting to bug me
Hey Jacquelyn! Zak did use to be more fun-loving once upon a time, didn’t he? Goofier and more easygoing. I haven’t heard hardly anyone else comment on how angry he seems now. Or full of “rage” to use your word, because that really sums it up better. But I’ve also noticed he snaps at the team more. Or he seems to. I don’t know, but I’m glad you brought this up.
What happened to this Mark and Debbie at the Washoe club in Virginia city in Nevada ?
GREAT question, Dawn!!!
I heard that Zak has developed a serious fear of flying, and it detracts from his ability to travel to and frequent locations as quickly as he used to.
One more thing … I heard that he took a LOT of guff for touching the Annabelle doll after he was specifically told by the Warren’s stepson NOT TO! It, supposedly, pushed him back a step and made him reanalyze his own ego and, subsequent, actions.
I love some paranormal, but Zac, you’re kind of like Seinfelds Elaine’s orgasms….FAKE, FAKE..FAKE…FAKE..FAKE!!!
OMG!!!! Talk about ROFLMAO reading this comment. Thanks for the laugh!!!!
Aaron just to let you know. If you guys paid “ $3,000.00 for the Panasonic “ digital recorder as you stated on your recent episode. I suggest Amazon.. it’s $30 bucks!
Sensor’s going off by “ spirits.” Inaudible sounds interpreted as specific words.
Guys running from “ ghosts.”
?Show is funny.Maybe Comedy Central?
It helps me sleep
Zak whatever the reason your not physically in attendance I hope things are going well for you and I hope to see you back on the road soon. Happy hunting!! Love the shows
if I had the chance to ask Zak anything, it would honestly probably be two things, 1) can i please do one lock down with him and the guys. I’m not Dakota I dont want a show lol. Just to have the experience. 2) I’d ask him how old he was when realized he was a sensitive.
Those both sound like excellent questions to me!
I like the series a lot, I’ve been a huge fan since the early days, and it’s nice to see the guys keeping it fresh. It’s so smart to try a new approach and experimentation, but why is Zak yelling all the time? Like, on the phone, during the evidence reviews, while using video chat, ALL THE TIME (sans narration obviously).
My only other question is, and it’s really only because of having worked in production and telecom for way too long, why go all extra and claim that he’s being affected remotely when it’s very unlikely that any of what we see as the finished episode is linear. It sort of undermines the experiences of the people who were there in the moment.
GREAT observations, John! I don’t know why he feels the need to yell all the time…other than it makes for “better” (more dramatic/sensational) entertainment? And you bring up a FANTASTIC point about playing up the being affected remotely and how it undermines what those on-site experienced. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave this comment.
Dawn Elder, the Constantino’s were guests several times on GA. This was a husband and wife ghost hunting duo. A few years ago, Debbie separated from Mark. The separation did not go well and Mark ended up taking Debbie’s life and his own. When the GA crew went back to the Washoe they thought they heard Debbie’s voice on the spirit box and it upset several of the crew. They were all good friends as they had all been in the same business for so many years.
As for Zak, after reading all of your comments, I feel it is a two part reason (or more) on why he is not on location. First, he has had attachments and from those he has suffered. Because of the Devil House, his eye sight was affected and hence he started wearing glasses. Additionally, his asthma has gotten worse over the years because of going into so many rundown, falling apart places. The other reason has become remote is because he has admitted since he has been doing this so many years, he has become very sensitive to spirits and other entities and it affects him much more easily than most of the others (the exception being Aaron – who is also being more affected). Basically, it is self-preservation and yes, his businesses are very successful so that probably also factors in.
My question to him would be: How has your ideas about the afterlife changed since gaining so much knowledge about spirits? Does he believe that spirits and entities are on a different plane than we are?
Teresa, THANKS for answering Dawn Elder’s question about the Constantinos. I had missed her comment.
Also, what fantastic insights about all the possible causes that led Zak not to be on House Calls!
And your questions to him are great. Now I want to know what he’d say!
Let’s just hope they don’t make any more of the totally boring Screaming room episodes. Really can’t stand those.
LOL! I haven’t heard of any more of those coming out. Maybe because others felt the same way about them as you did and they didn’t do so well? I don’t know, but I sure appreciate the chuckle-inducing comment. Thanks!
Someone mentioned up there ^^^^ that he has become more angry and testy toward the rest of the crew in the past few seasons (paraphrasing), but I noticed that these last 11 episodes, he hasn’t, and they have all gotten along like best friends. It has been an exceptionally spooky, NOT overacted, exceedingly well done with new high-tech equipment, and “fun-loving” season. They all got along like they loved each other and respected each other more than ever before. This season has been, by far, my favorite season of all time. They have done 11 episodes at my writing of this, and I hope it’s just a season split like they have done in the past. Who knows with all the nonsense going on over at Travel/Discovery? But let’s hope, because they have hit heights with these last investigations that they have never reached before, and it’s all because they have grown older, closer, more aware of their behaviors, and more seasoned at what they do than any other ghost hunters in the world. Now I see them as the best there are, whereas, in the past, I had never thought that. This season has been simply incredible! And they deserve and award!
Also, one more thing, no, TWO more things … first, change the “and” up there to “an,” and then I wanted to say that in an interview, Zak had admitted on camera that the reason he stays close to the west/west-central of the United States is because of his fear of flying … period, nothing else. He has been trying to overcome it, but has had much difficulty. Just like his fear of dolls, puppets, clowns, spiders, and snakes, he has always been working on those fears, and to a degree has overcome them. Flying? Well, that’s one he still struggles with greatly. I get it, I have a problem with heights. I used to be a high-rise glass installer (glazier) in the winds of San Francisco, when I was a young man; never thought a thing about it, until on very windy day on the TransAmerica building, the scaffolding started rocking, and my older cousin yelled, so I could here him over the din, “Whatever you do, DON’T LOOK DOWN!” And so, of course, I did. I immediately had tunnel vision, got extreme vertigo, and dropped to my feet, almost falling off the scaffolding to my death (I wasn’t strapped like I should have been). My cousin caught me, thank God, and I have had that fear ever since. So his fear, I understand is very real, as are all fears like that to anyone … no matter what they are. THAT is his one and ONLY reason for staying at home on House Calls.
Courtney, I know I have asked you before in some thread, but in case you missed it, or in case I don’t remember where it was because I never get my notifications of responses, even though I check the little box, have you heard about ‘yea’ or ‘nay’ for Ghostober? Like I said, I got a hold of their executives on the phone and told them that a LOT of people are going to quit streaming their channel if they don’t do it. Funny thing was that they acted surprised about that. What a bunch of blind goofballs!
Haven’t heard about Ghostober, Troy, but since GA has now transitioned to Discovery and same with Expedition Bigfoot, I’m not sure how they’d do it like in years passed anyway. They don’t have many new paranormal shows on Travel Channel, and Zak’s was the biggest. But maybe they’ll split it up somehow. I’m not getting much info anymore from any contacts there so I’m out of the loop.
Yep! Like you alluded to in your Devil (Angel) Island article, they ARE continuing GA, but they ARE splitting up the season. On TVDB, this episode is still coming under the same season, not a new season, with four more episodes already scheduled after that, but, get this, NOT one on Halloween Night, so THAT must mean NO Ghostober. Battlebots was a huge show with big ratings that were increasing each season for them. I sure hope they don’t cancel that one. My wife LOVED LOVED LOVED it!
You’re right Troy. No Ghostober this year. Unless they plan to just do a Creep Week thing like Canada’s T+E. But it seems like they would’ve already started hyping that. Well I hope for your wife’s sake they keep Battlebots at least.