Will Travel Channel Stream Coverage of Storm Area 51 and Alienstock?

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Alien sign in middle of the desert area 51

Travel Channel greenlit a show about the UFO Brothers attending the Storm Area 51 and Alienstock festivities in Nevada on September 20, but…will any of it even happen? Storm Area 51 and Alienstock have both been cancelled. Sort of. It’s now supposedly merged with the Area 51 Celebration in Las Vegas.

Travel Channel sent out a press release about how they plan to cover the event –which will either be the biggest out-of-this-world party ever, or a complete shit show. (Yes. One or the other. There’s no room for in between after all the hype on this one. Also, those are my words, not theirs. Although, I’d love to see a press release from Travel Channel with the words “shit show” in it.)

The Events

Last month, the Internet went into full meltdown mode when it was announced that a big event was planned to infiltrate Area 51, the top-secret military installation long-rumored to hold alien secrets.

Days later, it morphed into a big alien-themed festival Alienstock, hosted by the small town of Rachel, Nevada on September 20-22, 2019 to celebrate and congregate around all things alien and alien conspiracy.

And now the festival organizers are at odds about what is really going to happen this weekend with two million Facebook fans pledged to invade this remote locale and many logistics still not yet announced.

Watch What Happens

Travel Channel will produce on the ground, live digital coverage from the Rachel, Nevada, event (a.k.a. Alienstock) on Facebook Live.

It will be hosted by veteran of live paranormal experiences, James McDaniel.

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The series of Facebook Lives will take fans right into the center of the action, as fans will be able to watch the event throughout the day on September 20th.

If there’s even anything to report…


Travel Channel fully acknowledges plans are subject to change, depending on the drama that unfolds between event organizers.

Tune In

Travel Channel will stream live via their Facebook page on September 20th.

You can also follow all the Storm Area 51 dramas and potential fiascoes on Twitter and Instagram via the #StormingArea51 hashtag.


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