Winner of the Shining Your Light Contest

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WOW! I was SO excited to see all the entries on this one! When I opened it up to multiple entries, you all entered galore! GREAT!

To pick the winner for this one, I dressed as a gypsy and gazed into my crystal bowl. (Yep, you read it right: bowl. I didn’t have a crystal ball. Besides, how would I have fit the entries in a ball?)

Congrats to the winner. In this case, she earned it –literally!

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  1. Awww, I’m so hapy that I won this!! Yes, I got really excited and couldn’t stop adding movies to the comments, lol!! Not that I’m talkative, mind me, ehehe

    You look absolutely gorgeous and cool with your gypsy costume! Loved to see you picking my name from your crystal bowl, thank you so, so much! My litle witch will love the flash light! 🙂

    Kisses and have a great Halloween/Samhain!


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