Would You Sign a Petition to Save Halloween and Keep It As Is?

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Save Halloween trick or treat witch dog in ghost costume holding jack-o-lantern

When I called out the Halloween & Costume Association’s mission to move Halloween, I said, “I’d sign a Save Halloween petition. In fact, I’m so riled up about this I just may start one…”

So I did.

The Save Halloween Petition

Here’s the argument I made for keeping Halloween as is:

The Halloween & Costume Association wants to move Halloween from October 31 to the Saturday before. Or they did. Now they want to create a National Trick or Treat Day that moves one of Halloween’s most beloved traditions to the Saturday before if October 31 falls on a day other than a Saturday.

We get it. Halloween is a lot more fun when it happens on Saturday. You can stay out longer and stay up later.

But not every day can be Halloween, and not every Halloween falls on a weekend.

We at Haunt Jaunts want to preserve this beloved holiday in all its glory exactly as it is and has always been. We’re asking for the support from fellow Halloweenies. Here’s why we need to band together:


The HCA’s main argument claims the move will make Halloween safer and give people a chance to celebrate more.


Any true Halloween lover knows Halloween is a season unto itself. Most people celebrate with parties and such the Friday or Saturday before anyway if Halloween falls on a “school/work” night. Heck, a true devotee enjoys Halloween festivities every weekend in October!

And there’s no proof it’ll be any safer for kids. In fact, it might be more dangerous if Halloween always falls on a Saturday since more people would have the opportunity to be out and about.

What it really is is a way to sell more costumes. Don’t buy the hype.


If you’re a parent, you should be offended because check out these stats HCA uses:

    • “65% of parents don’t discuss Halloween safety with their children.”
    • “82% of parents don’t use high visibility aids on their costume…”
    • “70% of parents don’t accompany their children trick-or-treating.”
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They don’t cite where they get the stats, but really? Do you buy them? Especially in this era of Helicopter Parents?

We don’t. We see them for what they are: scare tactics.

Plus, there are plenty of adults who celebrate Halloween. (Maybe even more than children?) Why should we be made to suffer?

We shouldn’t.


If you believe Halloween should be left as is, this is the petition you want to sign.

Those parents who support a Saturday move knew what day it fell on when they decided to have kids.

Don’t create them if you can’t appreciate them –and all that comes with them. Like Trick-or-Treating during Halloweens that fall on weeknights.

Leave Halloween alone.

Sign this petition to show your support for keeping a great American tradition as is and settle the debate once and for all.

Note: Does this petition really need to go to the President? No. But the HCA wants to send theirs to him. We want to be sure to have a counter petition for him to consider.

Sign It

If you’d like to add your name to the list to save Halloween and keep it as is, Trick-or-Treat and all, you can find it on Change.org here.


  1. October 31 has gotten us this far. No need to change that. I look forward to the brisk fall traditions. Leave Halloween alone! I say. 🙂

  2. I honestly thought this was a joke when I heard about the movement to change Halloween. My only question to those types of people are….What can you complain about next? What in the world is going on in this world. My motto is…”If it aint broke, why try and fix it.”

  3. I signed it and shared it several times – including this Article I am beyond furious .

  4. Author

    It’s nice (?) to know someone else was furious too. Of course I wouldn’t want you furious, but it’s nice not to be alone in the outrage! Go Team Halloween!

  5. Author

    Right?! It’s really just a ploy to sell more costumes. I love some of the other suggestions I’ve heard about making the 31st and 1st holidays, especially the 1st so parents didn’t have to worry about going to work and kids could come down from their sugar highs and spare teachers. Although I guess then they’d be the parents’ problems and I’m sure a lot wouldn’t like that either! lol

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