Would you watch the new Conjuring movie at the original Conjuring house?

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The Conjuring 3 movie poster

The next installment in the Conjuring movies, The Devil Made Me Do It, hits theaters and HBO Max on June 4. However, Q106.5 reported that for those willing to hold off until June 7, they can watch the new Conjuring movie at the original Conjuring house.

Well, they could’ve. If they were willing to spend $350 per person and were one of the lucky 20 people to score a ticket. The event had a capacity limit and as you might imagine sold out fast.

At least, I think it did. I wasn’t able to confirm the story by visiting either the Conjuring house’s website or Facebook page. There was no mention of a “watch the new Conjuring movie at the house” event anywhere.

However, maybe they took it down because it was already sold out? Or perhaps they hadn’t cleared it with the studio first? I don’t know.

In addition to watching the new Conjuring movie, though, Q106.5 said those who attended the screening at the Conjuring house would also get to see a “haunted toy dinosaur that was taken from The Devil Made Me Do It case.” Other artifacts from Ed & Lorraine Warren’s Occult Museum would also be on display.

Let’s take a quick look at what The Conjuring 3 will be about and other ways you can visit the Conjuring house. If you dare…

The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It Trailer

The Conjuring 3 Storyline

The new Conjuring movie is going to be a little bit different than the others. It’s still based on a case that Ed and Lorraine Warren were involved with, but it wasn’t a haunted house investigation per se. They were called in about a possible possession of a little boy, David Glatzel.

David’s older sister, Debbie, had a boyfriend, Arne Cheyenne Johnson, who didn’t like seeing “his little buddy” in pain and allegedly told whatever might be possessing him to leave David alone and pick on him instead.

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Did whatever spirit was afflicting David then jump to Arne?

That’s what Arne claimed during his murder trial: that it was the Devil who made him kill his landlord. The Warrens felt that was true. But how do they help Arne then? Can they? Especially when they’re not dealing with a ghost, but curses and a master satanist.

Visit the Conjuring House

The Heinzen family bought the Arnold Estate —which they now call the Farm on Round Top Road— in Harrisville, Rhode Island, a couple of years ago. They’ve since turned it into a paranormal destination for both the para curious and ghost hunters alike.

They offer both weekday and weekend investigations, which are enormously popular. Investigations in 2021 sold out fast. They recently posted the dates you can book investigations in 2022, but there are very few of those currently left too.

For More Info

Visit theconjuringhouse.com.


Would you pay $350 to watch The Devil Made Me Do It at the Conjuring house?


  1. I wouldn’t pay 350 to watch the movie in the Conjuring house for two reasons: I’m kinda cheap, and I’m definitely too chicken to go in that house!

  2. Author

    It would have to come with a lot more bells and whistles, including dinner, an overnight stay and a ghost hunt. LOL And even then…I’m not sure I’d spend that much. Not for that house. It doesn’t captivate me as much as a few other haunted places do. But mostly I’m with you…I accuse my husband of being too frugal, but penny pinching runs through my veins too at the end of the day. lol

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