“WTF is an Aztec Death Whistle?” And 7 More Wild Amazon Finds

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Aztec Death Whistle Amazon Finds
A few wild Amazon finds, including the Aztec Death Whistle (middle), Gracula Garlic Crusher (upper left), Dowsing Rods Kit (lower left), Mind Reader Game (upper right), Elizabat Kitchen Scissors (lower right). | Amazon

“What in the world is an Aztec Death Whistle?” I wondered when I saw the skeleton/skull-like face that sported a spiky, feather design on top of its head.

My perplexion continued when I read more of its description, which included the words “loud” and “screaming.” The “loud” made sense, but “screaming”? That’s not normally the first sound that comes to mind when I think of whistles. I mean, yes. I’ve heard them described as screaming, but not as in a realistic-sounding human scream.

Naturally, I had to click to find out more. That was the moment my Amazon browsing took an unexpected turn to the dark side. (Amazingly, I had been shopping for evening clothes at the time, not anything macabre.)

In addition to the Aztec death whistle, I also found seven more things that had me going, “WTF is that all about?” Let’s explore all these wild finds.

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The Aztec Death Whistle

Aztec Death Whistle from ARKAEOLOGY
White Aztec Death Whistle | ARKAEOLOGY/Amazon

The whistle that caught my eye was from ARKAEOLOGY, but upon clicking on the link, more options popped up for similar styles from other makers. ARKAEOLOGY’s didn’t have the most ratings. (1,300+, with 85% being 5-star.) They had the second most behind ZBOSS. (5,700+, with 80% being 5-star).

But ARKAEOLOGY offered two color choices, white or black. (ZBOSS just offered black.) It was also slightly cheaper (by a couple of dollars). All are made of clay and glaze.

Apparently, these kinds of whistles are super loud—126+ decibels, which is louder than a motorcycle—and sound like a real person’s scream, one with very good lungs.

But why would you want such a thing? Are you trying to summon death, or repel it?

Turns out neither. As ARKAEOLOGY explained, “Aztec Death Whistles were once used by Ancient Aztecs to scare enemies in battle.”

These days they’re still used to scare people, but in a prank way. Reviewers describe the sound as “awesome” and “eerie.” One reviewer even said it was extremely effective for scaring away tourists at night who try to camp near their property. (I’m not sure I’d want to stay at a campsite near loud screams. What about you?)

Halloween Zipper Bracelets

Halloween Zipper Bracelets
Halloween Zipper Bracelets | UpBrands/Amazon

At first, I skimmed over the Halloween bracelets from UpBrands. Then it dawned on me it included the word “zipper.”

“A zipper in a bracelet? What’s that all about?” I scrolled back up and clicked to find out.

Since kids have so many food allergies these days, I’m always looking for non-candy trick-or-treat ideas to hand out at Halloween. These zipper bracelets might be this year’s choice at our house. Especially after I read the reviews, 88% of which are 5-star. And the bracelets in the reviewers’ photos look even better than the ones on the product page.

Bonus there’s a 40% off coupon deal on them. All you have to do is check the box on the product page before adding it to your cart.

Magic Store Dollhouse Booknook Bookshelf

Magic Store Dollhouse Booknook Bookshelf Insert Decor
Magic Store Dollhouse Booknook Bookshelf Insert Decor | Luuwik/Amazon

Miniature diorama kits that you put together appeal to my inner wannabe crafter. Especially because I’m lazy and these contain everything you need, including all the pieces—even the glue!—and instructions. (If only they also supplied the time and patience. Sigh.)

I’d seen other similar kits on Amazon, like the Coffee Shop and Greenhouse from Rolife, but then I came across the Magic Store from Luuwik. I’d never seen anything like it before. It contains so many cool details, like a revolving door bookcase, lights, and my favorite part, a skeleton holding its own head!

At the time of this posting, it also had a 30% coupon deal, which makes the price even more reasonable.

Gracula Garlic Crusher and Elizabat Kitchen Scissors

Gracula Garlic Crusher and Elizabat Kitchen Scissors
L: Gracula Garlic Crusher, R: Elizabat Kitchen Scissors | OTOTO/Amazon

“Okay, how do I not already own one of these?” I thought when I saw the Gracula Garlic Crusher. Especially when I realized it was an OTOTO product.

If you’ve ever seen the Nessie Soup Ladle, they also make that, as well as the 2-in-1 Bat-Shaped Wine & Beer Opener. (All of which have now been added to the Home Scream Home list in the Skareporium.)

I’ve been wanting to create some Cooking with Smalls videos for YouTube. Smalls needs this garlic crusher, and then I can borrow it from him. (Whether we ever make the videos or not.)

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But then I spied something else OTOTO makes that I’d never seen before, a pair of Elizabat Kitchen Scissors. Are you kidding me? That would make cutting poultry, or opening meat packages or anything else I use kitchen scissors for that much more fun. And I’m sure Smalls would want to use them too.

Mind Reader Game

Mind Reader Game
Mind Reader Game | DYCE/Amazon

Every once in a while we get together with friends for a game night. The next time we host, or throw a Halloween party, I think it’d be a kick to play Mind Reader. It sounds like a hoot.

The description explains that “in this telepathic party game you can pick your partner or pick your topic…but you can’t pick both!” Three questions are read. You try to answer them and match your partner’s answers, but the catch is you can’t communicate with them. At least not verbally. Telepathically you can, though. If you’re able…

Dowsing Rods Kit and Spirit Box

Spirit Box and Dowsing Rods Kit
Spirit Box and Dowsing Rods Kit | PARANORMIC/Amazon

Have you ever wondered where to get a pair of dowsing rods? I mean, these days, Amazon always pops first to mind as a place to shop, but pre-Amazon, where would you get them? I guess a metaphysical store?

I’d never really thought about it before until I saw the 100% Pure Copper Dowsing Rods on Amazon from PARANORMIC. But it tickled me they came in a kit. I guess because I always think of a kit as being more involved or containing more pieces.

Although, the dowsing rods do come with a white quartz pendulum and wooden pendulum board. So there are more pieces than just the dowsing rods.

Another thing PARANORMIC sells is a Spirit Box. If the dowsing rods helped you locate an energy source or spirit, you could use the spirit box to try and communicate and get messages from beyond. At the very least, it might make for a fun experiment.

Top 100 Horror Movies Scratch Off Poster

Scratch Off Horror Movie Poster
Horror Movies Scratch Off Poster | Palettes and Prints/Amazon

I’ve heard of scratch books, or even scratch off lottery tickets, but a horror movies scratch off poster? What’s that?

It’s almost like a game. You scratch a space to reveal an iconic horror movie scene for each movie you’ve watched, or after you watch a movie.

Buyers love it. It boasts a 4.6 rating, 80% of which are 5-star. It comes framed or unframed with hand-drawn illustrations waiting to be revealed. This sounds like a great gift idea for horror movie lovers. (I’ve got a couple of friends in mind. Two less gifts I need to get for Christmas this year. Thanks, Amazon!)

Monkey Table Lamp

Monkey Table Lamp
Monkey Table Lamp | CHABEI/Amazon

And, finally, we have the Monkey Table Lamp, which gave me major Wizard of Oz vibes for some reason. Not that it looks much like a Flying Monkey. Maybe it was something about the way it stands. Or maybe it was because one of the suggested uses was for a kid’s room. (That would have to be one stoic kid. This has the potential to be nightmare fuel for an overactive imagination. The clown scene from Poltergeist springs to mind.)

But when I checked the reviews (which were very favorable, by the way, with 79% being 5-star), it didn’t look nearly as creepy—or tall—as the product photos. It looks very well-made and playful, and it even comes in white as well as black.


Have you ever come across any of these products during any of your shopping expeditions on Amazon?


  1. I’ve never seen any of these pop up on Amazon. Zipper bracelets, a monkey lamp … people can be so creative!

  2. Author

    “Creative” is a perfect way to put it, Priscilla. Yes. That!!!

  3. Author

    I’m actually the WORST party-thrower. It’s the Virgo thing. I get obsessed with every little detail wanting to make things perfect. But it never is, nor is it usually anywhere near what I envision, so…I end up just trying to have fun and not let my disappointment show. lol


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